Adding a new Subscribe Form is quick and easy; simply follow these steps!
Step 1: Navigate to Subscribe > Forms in Grow Publisher Portal and click the Add New Form button:
Step 2: In this section, you'll identify which type of Subscribe Form you'd like your new form to be.
Step 3: Fill out the How Do You Want Your New Form To Look? section.
Here's what you'll fill out:
- Form Name: The name displayed in your Grow Publisher Portal Subscribe forms list
- Header: The bolded title the reader will see
- Body: Add any additional details here to help capture your readers
- Button: Your call-to-action
- (Optional) Add A Photo: 1:1 Aspect Ratio is recommended
- (Optional) Enable Automailer Email: This will add Subscribers from this Subscribe form to your Automailer List. Toggle it off if you do not want to send Automailer emails.
Once you've completed this section, clickNext.
Step 4: That's it - your form is complete and ready for additional customization, like Category Targeting or Email Service Provider integrations, (if needed).