The Zapier integration will allow users to connect their Zapier accounts to Grow Subscribe forms, Exclusive Content widgets, Print Pass and Subscribe Action Pack.
Steps to Connect Zapier and Set up the Trigger:
Step 1: If you haven't already, sign up for a free Zapier account.
(If you're looking to bypass setting up your own Zaps, you can check out our pre-made Zaps here).
Step 2: Login and on the Zapier Dashboard, click the Create button, then choose Zap:
Step 3: In the Zap editor, click 1. Trigger to define the event that starts the Zap:
When the Trigger menu launches, you can choose Grow from the list or, if Grow isn't already an option, search for it in the search box:
Step 4 (if applicable): If this is your first time connecting Grow and Zapier, you will need to sign into Grow. At the end of this process, click Grant Permission:
Step 5: Choose your Grow account that is associated with your email and press Continue:
Step 8: Now you can set up your trigger(s):
Frequently Asked Questions:
Why am I not seeing an option in the site drop-down?
It's likely because it was an admin account that didn't have a record associating the user with the site.
What does the Grow Subscriber CSV area look like when Zapier sends emails to my Email Service Provider? Will the Grow Subscribe CSV still accumulate all of the subscribers?
There will be no effect on the Grow Subscriber CSV. Grow will continue to add subscribers to your Subscriber CSV file even while sending them to your Email Service Provider via Zapier.
Why can’t I see my subscribers right away?
Please double-check whether or not you have double-opt-ins enabled. If you connect your Zap to your ESP and have double opt-ins enabled for that form, only a small % of your subscribers will make it to your list right away (your reader will have to confirm/ opt-in first).
What if my users have a question about the Zapier product, their workflows, or our integration?
Does Zapier cost money?
Grow and it's integration with Zapier is free. Zapier, however, is a third-party service that has a free starter plan but, depending on your usage, you may have to pay for Zapier.