When a reader enters their email and clicks the "Subscribe" button on any of your Grow Subscribe forms, Exclusive Content widgets, Print Pass, or Smart Lock, they will be added to a CSV file that you can use to upload to your ESP.
You can download your Subscribe CSV file any time from your Subscribe Settings page. Then, you'll be able to manually upload your CSV file to your Email Service Provider!
- You can automate sending your Grow Subscribers to your Email Service Provider, either with a direct integration for support Email Service Providers or via Zapier.
How to Download your Subscriber CSV File
Step 1: Navigate to Grow Publisher Portal > Subscribe > Settings. Here you will see a button that says Export Subscribers - click that button:
Step 2: Once your download begins, you will see a pop-up confirming the export process:
Step 3: When the export is complete, you can download the CSV file by clicking Download above your last download date information. (If you'd prefer to download the file via the confirmation email sent by Grow, skip ahead to Step 4)
Step 4 (Optional): If you'd prefer to download the CSV file via email, simply click the button in the email that says Download CSV:
Step 5: Check your downloads for the Subscriber CSV file; you can then upload this file to your Email Service Provider.
Step 6: Be sure to check back periodically to see if you've acquired new subscribers and make sure to download the "New Subscribers" list to upload to your ESP!
Next to the Export Subscribers button in your Grow Publisher Portal Subscribe Settings, you can see your last download date and time, the total subscriber count (all the subscribers you've gathered since enabling Subscribe), and your New Subscribers (since the last download).
Information that is included in the CSV:
- createdAt: The date and time the user subscribed
- email: The user's email address
- firstName: The user's name (if applicable)
- clientIp: IP address of the user
- widgetName: The name of the form in which the user subscribed
exclusiveContentWidgetName:This feature is coming soon
conversionUrl: The URL where the user subscribed from
source: The source of where the user subscribed (example: Spotlight Subscribe, Pop Up Subscribe, Click to Subscribe Exclusive Content, etc.)
Available 3rd Party Integrations
- Zapier: Directions for setting this up can be found in this help article.
- Flodesk: Directions for setting this up can be found in this help article.
- Kit: Directions for setting this up can be found in this help article.
- Mailchimp: Directions for setting this up can be found in this help article.
- MailerLite: Directions for setting this up can be found in this help article.
- Don't see your Email Service Provider? Submit a feature request and let us know which ESP you'd like to integrate with Grow!