Utilize this section to match Grow's widgets + forms to your brand colors!
Step 1: Navigate to Grow Publisher Portal > Site Settings > Appearance > Grow Color Scheme:
Step 2: Select your default color theme as your background; you can either choose the Light Theme (white background), the Dark Theme (dark gray background), or Midnight Mode (true black background):
Step 3: Make sure you have hex code for your brand colors, then type the code into the "Theme Accent Color" field:
Step 4: Save your changes!
Overview of Color Scheme Settings
Default Color Theme
Choose either the Light Theme (white background), the Dark Theme (black background), or Midnight Mode (true black background) as the background color of your Grow widgets + forms.
Theme Accent Color
This setting controls the icon color of the Grow widget and other Grow buttons; we recommend matching this color to your brand's color scheme.
Your Color Contrast Analysis
We recommend selecting colors with a contrast ratio of at least 3:1. Clicking on "Your Color Contrast Analysis" will provide you with a report detailing what your contrast ratio is however, Mediavine does not guarantee that any colors or contrast will be compliant with ADA regulations. Whether or not your selected colors are compliant with current accessibility standards is solely your responsibility.