If you aren't seeing all the fields you customized for your Exclusive Content widget, it could be that the size of the element(s) you are locking is coming into play.
Size Guidelines:
- Exclusive Content won't show up on any elements that have a height of less than 300px.
- If the height of the locked element(s) is between 301px and 425px then the modal will display with only the title and smaller font size (no description or lock icon).
- If the height of the locked element(s) is between 426px and 700px then the modal will display with the title, smaller font, and smaller lock graphic.
- If the height of the locked element(s) is over 701px then the modal will display all of the available information in a larger font size.
Make sure the content to be locked is tall enough on desktop and mobile.
My Custom Text is not displaying correctly:
To prevent truncated text, we recommend keeping Title, Description, and Call to Action text as concise and to-the-point as possible.
Regardless of the size of the content you are locking:
- Title is limited to two lines.
- Description is limited to seven lines.
- Call to Action text is limited to one line.
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