A/B Testing Spotlight Search
I love the Spotlight Subscribe feature and how it's helping me grow my subscriber list. But I'm wondering if there's any way to do A/B testing using the Spotlight Subscribe widget.
I want to test out whether changing the text/messaging in the Spotlight Subscribe form has any effect on subscribe rate… so being able to set up two different forms and having them alternate displaying to viewers would be great!
Thanks for any input/ideas.
Official comment
Hi there!
We recommend making your Subscribe form language as specific as possible. Readers are subscribing to your content because they appreciate your expertise and authority, as well as the personal connection to you. Conversion rates tend to improve when personalized language is used in Subscribe forms.That being said, you could set up Subscribe Manual Placement forms with different language on specific posts to test whether language impacts your conversion rates. If you do not enable “Allow default form” in the Subscribe Manual Placement form's Advanced Settings, only the manually-placed form will display on that post.
You could also use alternative Spotlight or Pop Up Subscribe forms for posts in specific categories using Category Targeting. -
Thanks for the input and suggestions, Ben Rodriguez. Much appreciated… and I'll check these out.
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