Have you noticed you’re not able to find certain posts in your Recommended Content widgets? These common issues might be preventing Grow from displaying your posts.
It can take time for Grow to comb through your site and create post bookmarks for all of your posts, especially if you have hundreds or thousands of posts. If you still can’t find some posts 24 hours after installing Grow, something else may be preventing Grow from pulling your posts.
If Grow’s scripts are being optimized, deferred, or minified by a plugin or security setting, some of its functions may not work properly. Security settings can also prevent Grow from accessing your site appropriately. Both issues can result in Grow being unable to create post bookmarks from your posts.
Please refer to Grow’s Conflicts & Compatibilities article for known issues and their solutions. Your developer, host, or technical help may be able to assist you with this if you need more specific troubleshooting.
Grow uses OpenGraph metadata to create the post bookmarks it serves in its features. Specifically, Grow is looking for the following OpenGraph metadata tags in your posts:
- og:title
- og:description
- og:image
Most publishers output this metadata using social sharing or SEO plugins, like Yoast or Hubbub. If you view your post’s source and see any of these OpenGraph meta tags missing, checking your social sharing settings could resolve the issue.
If you do need to update social sharing settings for a post or posts, you’ll want to clear your site’s cache and any caching plugins after making the updates. Then, go to Grow Publisher Portal > Grow Settings > Recommended Content and click the Refresh Posts button. This tells Grow to go through your posts and update the post bookmarks. This process can take up to 24 hours.
If your post is marked “no-index” so it’s not able to appear in search engine results, Grow will not include it in its features.
If your post is from any other domain than your own, Grow will not pull it into its features. Grow checks to make sure the canonical domain for the post matches your domain.