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Spotlight subscribe form multiple issues




  • Official comment
    Ben Rodriguez
    • Grow Support Team

    Hey there!

    It sounds like you need to define a custom content selector to let Grow know where to place in-content elements on your site. 


    Once you've added the custom content selector under Grow Publisher Portal > Grow Settings > General, you'll need to scroll down and click Save Changes in the bottom right. Refreshing your site after that should show in-content Grow features appearing throughout your content area as intended.

    This article can help you identify content selectors on your site.

  • Adultsplaysports

    That worked--for the most part. Thank you. However, the spotlight portion doesn't show up anymore--just the subscribe form, which isn't anymore compelling than my own subscribe form. Can that be fixed? Also, when I set up the multiform option, is there any way to have it show up a couple times but set a limit? It showed up 4 times in one post that isn't incredibly long---seems a bit much. Thanks!


  • Adultsplaysports

    Also, I'm trying to add another form via a specific selector and any variation I've tried isn't working. I'm not sure how to add it.

  • Ben Rodriguez
    • Grow Support Team

    I see the Spotlight effect happening with your Spotlight Subscribe form currently. Did you possibly have a deafult Pop Up Subscribe form designated? When you choose to enable a Pop Up Subscribe form, the Spotlight effect is disabled to prevent the screen from becoming too busy.

    There are not currently limits available for Mutli Form Density. I will log this feedback for you!

    As for the Most Valuable Content placement, it looks like you've enaled the placement and added your selector, but you haven't chosen a Subscribe form from your dropdown menu. Choosing a form from the dropdown menu and clicking Save Form should do the trick!

  • Adultsplaysports

    I see it now. I don't know why it didn't spotlight the first time I checked but all good now. Thanks. And duh on my part for the MVC placement. Ha. Got it now. Thanks again!


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