What's Next on Mobile & Header Carousel on Desktop Not working
AnsweredI am running the Grow Plugin for two months and still the Header Carousel on Desktop and What's next on mobile features are not working. My website is approved today with Grow running the ads but these features are not working. Can anyone please help me.
Official comment
Taking a look at your site, I'm not seeing OpenGraph metadata which is what Grow uses to create post bookmarks on a site. These post bookmarks are what populate Recommended Content, Search, and Automailer emails.
For Recommended Content specifically, Grow will exclude any post without image metadata from being served in the Recommended Content widgets. While og:image meta tags are preferred, Grow can also use twitter image or thumbnail meta data. I don't see any of these options on your site.
The easiest way to add OpenGraph meta tags is to install a social sharing or SEO plugin, like Hubbub or Yoast. These should use your post featured images to output og:image metadata, allowing Grow to create and serve post bookmarks. You can refer to the specific plugin's help documentation for instructions on metadata output!
Hi Sophia!
Can you explain how the Header Carousel and What's Next on Mobile widgets aren't working? Can you please share your domain with us as well?0 -
Like it's not showing the widget on the website. my website url is *******.com
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I'v now installed the Hubbub Plugin and now waiting for the features to work. Thanks Ben Rodriguez
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