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  • Official comment
    Ashley Scott
    • Grow Support Team

    Hey Hiader and Viviane!

    Since both of you are using WordPress websites, I would strongly encourage using the Grow plugin instead of adding the script to your site - here are the steps for installing the plugin.

    Be sure to remove the Grow scripts from your sites and clear all caches on the backend! Running both the plugin AND the scripts will cause hiccups with your Grow features, so make sure you remove the Grow script.

    Let me know if this helps. :)

  • Ben Rodriguez
    • Grow Support Team

    Hi Hiader Jamal !

    How did you install the scripts on your site? There are only three officially supported methods to manually install Grow's scripts on a WordPress site: Genesis hooks, Trellis hooks, or the Header and Footer Plugin.

    If you installed Grow's scripts with another method, choosing one of the three that applies to your site should work. In your case, it looks like the Header and Footer Plugin would be best.

  • Hiader Jamal

    I installed the script in perfectly installed in the header, and the script is perfectly installed and showing when i view the page source. you can verify but your system saying we did not find any script

  • Viviane Pajamandy


    I believe I have the same issue for my WordPress website

    I copied the script in the HEAD code field of the Head & Footer Code plugin v1.3.3 (I don't use Genesis or Trellis frameworks).

    <script data-grow-initializer="">!(function(){window.growMe||((window.growMe=function(e){window.growMe._.push(e);}),(window.growMe._=[]));var e=document.createElement("script");(e.type="text/javascript"),(e.src=""),(e.defer=!0),e.setAttribute("data-grow-faves-site-id","U2l0ZTowNjI4N2IwOS00MWFkLTQ3ZmQtOGRkNy02N2ViZDg1OTIyYjI=");var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t);})();</script>

    When I display the source code of the homepage and every other pages I try, I get in the HEAD section:

    <script data-grow-initializer type="65fbb2a355732dabcc11ff03-text/javascript">!(function(){window.growMe||((window.growMe=function(e){window.growMe._.push(e);}),(window.growMe._=[]));var e=document.createElement("script");(e.type="text/javascript"),(e.src=""),(e.defer=!0),e.setAttribute("data-grow-faves-site-id","U2l0ZTowNjI4N2IwOS00MWFkLTQ3ZmQtOGRkNy02N2ViZDg1OTIyYjI=");var t=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];t.parentNode.insertBefore(e,t);})();</script>

    When I click on the “Check Grow Connectivity” button, I get first:

    and a split second later, I get:

    Please help me

    Thank you.

  • Hiader Jamal

    Waiting for response please fix this

  • Ashley Scott
    • Grow Support Team

    Hey Hiader!

    Since you're using a WordPress website, I would strongly encourage using the Grow plugin instead of adding the script to your site - here are the steps for installing the plugin.

    Be sure to remove the Grow scripts from your sites and clear all caches on the backend! Running both the plugin AND the script will cause hiccups with your Grow features, so make sure you remove the Grow script.

    Let me know if this helps. :)


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