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Grow elements not showing (plugin installed, script loaded)



  • Official comment
    Ashley Scott
    • Grow Support Team

    Hey Ari! Which site is this for? I'd be happy to take a peek at things for you. :)

  • Diane Strackbein

    Ashley Scott I am not seeing any evidence of having installed grow on my website either. The site is:

  • Nikhil S. Pawar

    Hello Ashley,


    I also did the same, cleared the cache multiple times. And Installed grow pluing, and script too in the Header still I am Facing the issue, attached to the screenshot.

    This is my website -  

    “ Error Message - There is a problem with your connectivity. Check to make sure your script tag is properly installed on your site. ”



  • Ari

    Hi Ashley,

    I just woke up to it working, so yay, no need to check anything for now.

    Thank you, anyway! :)

  • Ben Rodriguez
    • Grow Support Team

    Hi Diane Strackbein! 

    It looks like you may not have added your Grow Scripts to your site's header. They are appearing below the </head> tag on your site.

    Removing the manually added scripts and adding them to the header or using the Grow for WordPress plugin should resolve this!

  • Ben Rodriguez
    • Grow Support Team

    Hi Nikhil S. Pawar!

    You only need to install one instance of Grow scripts on your site. Installing more than once instance gives Grow multiple endpoints to detect and this prevents it from verifying its scripts. 

    You should remove one of your installation methods and then try having Grow verify your scripts again. 


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