The ConvertKit Secret API integration is only available if you have a ConvertKit account.
Step 1: To find your ConvertKit Secret API key, head to Settings > Advanced > Scroll down to API:
Step 2: Once there, you'll see the options for Your API Key and API Secret. Click Show on the API Secret box and then copy the Secret API Key:
Step 3: Once you have the Secret API Key, navigate to Grow Publisher Portal > Site Settings > Integrations and add the Secret API key:
Note: If you’ve previously added Your API Key, you don’t need to add the Secret API key, but we suggest you do. You’ll continue to see fields for both API keys until Your API key is removed. Grow moved to using the Secret API key August 2022.
Step 4: Make sure to click Save Changes once you’ve added the ConvertKit Secret API key.
Step 5: Start setting up ConvertKit Form Actions for your Grow Subscribe forms, Exclusive Content widgets, Print Pass, and Subscribe Action Pack.
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